MMPLOT-SUPPORTED HPGL-INSTRUCTIONS HP-GL/2 - Instructions A description can be found in "HP-GL/2 Reference Guide, A Handbook for Program Developers" by HP, published by Addison-Wesley 1990. HP-GL/2 - instructions, not supported by MMPlot are marked with an asterisk *. HP-GL/2 includes the older HP-GL/1. The HP-GL/2 - Kernel - Configuration and Status Group DF = DeFault Values IN = Initialize IP = InPut P1 and P2 IR = Input Relative P1 and P2 *IW = Input Window *PG = advance full PaGe RO = ROtate coordinate system *RP = Replot - Vector Group AA = Arc Absolute AR = Arc Relative AT = Arc three point CI = Circle PA = Plot Absolut PD = Pen Down PE = Polyline Encoded PR = Plot Relative PU = Pen Up RT = Relative arc Three point - Polygon Group ER = Edge Rectangel relative EA = Edge rectangel Absolute EW = Edge Wedge EP = Edge Polygon FP = Fill Polygon PM = Polygon Mode RA = fill Rectangle Absolute RR = fill Rectangle Relative WG = fill WedGe - Line and Fill Attributes Group *AC = Anchor Corner FT = Fill Type FT,spacing is emulated *LA = Line Attributes LT = Line Type PW = Pen Width *RF = Raster Fill definition SM = Symbol Mode SP = Select Pen *UL = User-defined Line Type *WU = pen Width Unit selection - Character Group Instructions *AD = Alternate font Definition *SD = Standard font Definition *CF = Character Fill Mode CP = Character Plot DI = absolute DIrection *DR = Relative Direction DT = Define Label Terminator *DV = Define Variable text path *ES = Extra Space LB = LaBel *LO = Label Origin *SA = Select Alternate font *SD = Standard font Definition SI = absolute Character Size *SL = character SLant SR = Relative character Size *SS = Select Standard font *TD = Transparent Data - Technical Graphics Extension BP = Begin Plot *CT = Chord Tolerance *DL = DownLoad character *EC = Enable Cutter *FR = FRame advance *MC = Merge Control *MG = Message *MT = Media Type *NR = Not Ready *OE = Output ERROR *OH = Output Hard-clip limits *OP = Output P1 and p2 *OS = Output Status PS = PlotSize *QL = Quality Level *ST = SorT *VS = Velocity Select - Palette Extension CR = Set Color Range for relative color data NP = Number of Pens up to 8 pens/colors *PC = Pen Color Assignment *SV = Screened Vectors TR = Transparency Mode - Miscellaneous TL = Tick Length XT = X-axis Tick YT = Y-axis Tick